Annexe_133 (.pdf – 4,5 Mo)
Category Archives: Justice
Court filings and hearings in Arusha pertaining to the transfer of ICTR suspects to Rwanda (2007-08)
Annexe_131-1 (.pdf – 32,61 Mo)
Annexe_131-2 (.pdf – 28,67 Mo)
The ICTR’s refusal to investigate the shooting down of the presidential plane on 6 April 1994
Annexe to come
The polemics unleashed by the ICTR prosecutor’s definitive abandonment of investigations against RPF suspects in mid-2009
Annexe_129 (.pdf – 3,83 Mo)
The token “prosecution” of RPA soldiers responsible for killings the “bishops of Kabgayi” (2008-2009)
Annexe_128 (.pdf – 29,21 Mo)
The crimes and the presumed criminals among the RPF
Annexe_127 (.pdf – 1,10 Mo)
The ICTR’s financial investigations in Rwanda are curtailed in mid-2001
Annexe_126 (.pdf – 169 Ko)
The unplanned arrest of Protais Zigiranyirazo on 3 June 2001
Annexe_125 (.pdf – 52 Ko)
Persons sought for prosecution by the Rwandan justice system
Annexe to come
The long “protected” journey of Augustin Ngirabatware, Minister of Planning in the Interim Government, while subject to an ICTR arrest warrant
Annexe_84 (.pdf – 3,38 Mo)
Killings of witnesses of RPF crimes
Annexe_51 (.pdf – 8,77 Mo)
ICTR Investigator Michael Hourigan’s report to Prosecutor Louise Arbour concerning the downing of the presidential plane on 6 April 1994 (January 1997)
Annexe_49 (.pdf – 1,30 Mo)